Sunday, December 7, 2008

Breaking up is hard to do... and so is catching up!

So, it's not too late to re-visit Thanksgiving, is it??? I am VERY late in uploading pics from recently, so I thought I'd catch you up on some things...

Thanksgiving was really great this year. It was relaxing, fun and really, really good to spend time with family. My aunt is nice enough to host us every year, and she normally has a craft set up for all the kids. She did that this year (oh, man... that's an art picture I forgot to take!!!), but she and her grandkids also thought of having a performance by all the kids.

One word: ADORABLE.

Here's my niece, Big Sissy, singing us a song that had parts for us to repeat her. She pointed at us when it was our turn.

Then she and her little sister, Little Sissy, sang us a duet... and counted... and generally just showed us how cute and smart they are!!!

My dad made an announcement that my 19-year-old cousin was sad that he wasn't invited to perform... the only grandkid not performing!!! He looks devastated, doesn't he?

Bub didn't get too creative on his performance... he had just seen Oprah's very talented kid show, so he was thinking of breakdancing and/or yodeling, but instead settled on standing on his head as long as he could. Never seen THAT before, have we???

Sis then did an art demonstration for us... see how the pie looks like it's missing a piece? When you turn the art upside down, it looks like that there's only one piece left! Amazing and magical!

She then showed us how to make a paper airplane...

... then had her "lovely assistant" demonstrate how it flew!

Buddy really wanted to show off how he could crawl, but got frustrated... so he just looked really cute instead!
Hope y'all had as nice a Thanksgiving as us.
Give thanks!

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