Monday, June 29, 2009

Unexpected Beauty

We started out the day by going to Mt Rushmore. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! And amazing, really, the history of how they created the faces in the granite...

And even at Mt Rushmore, Bub couldn't stop climbing on the rocks! He's got the fever!

Proof I was there!

A kind gentleman took our pictures so Don would then take a picture of THEIR family in front of the faces.

After we left Mt Rushmore, Don wanted somewhere to mountain bike ride. He's training for a race next weekend, so he really needed to ride. We drove through the STICKS to find a trail that Don had seen online. I was getting nervous about what the kids and I were going to do while he was on his ride... we seemed to be going into no-man's-land. And then we drove up to this:
It was breathtaking! Bub decided to take a little ride with Don before Don went for his big ride, then the kids and I hiked for a while around the beautiful lake.

Then, the last 1/2 hour or so before Don got back, we spent in the car. The kids watched a movie on the DVD player, while I played Guitar Hero on Bub's DS. Hey, we can't be nature lovers ALL the time. Right???

1 comment:

LissaLou said...

The view is breathtaking!