So, we're going to pretend that I haven't practically abandoned this blog except for a few here and there from my phone, 'kay?
Instead, I'm going to begin focusing* on what I'm thankful for.
Today the focus is on Sis.
Sis is 11 now. And NOT amused when she knows I write about her. Or take her photo. Or sometimes look at her. You know, 11.
But I am oh so thankful for that girl. She's had some rough times coming into this age of puberty, but she's coming through with shining colors, in my opinion. She loves God, her friends and her family FIERCELY!
She's grown a LOT this year. She just went for a checkup and is 5 foot tall... that's only 3 inches shorter than me! Did I mentioned she's 11???
I'm going to be really sad if the day ever hits that she DOESN'T enjoy hanging out with me. She likes to shop with me (yay!) and has a fun sense of style.
She's not afraid to be herself instead of trying to be like everyone else... which, to be honest, is something I've prayed for. I love that she's always been such an individual... I'd hate for her tween/teen years to be spent trying to be someone else or like someone else. This next photo was for a mis-match party, but her style isn't too far off of this (she might not wear a tie with this outfit normally! ha). I love it!
While she's always been great at art (she's at art lessons right now, in fact), she's struggled to find a physical activity that she really enjoys. She took swimming lessons for years, but had no desire to compete on the swim team, and eventually begged to quit. She's been taking martial arts for several months now, and LOVES IT! She goes twice a week and hasn't ONCE tried to beg off going.
This past week was her first testing period for her class. She tested for her yellow belt, and while I could tell she was really nervous, SHE DID GREAT! They even commented on her "report card" how confident she seemed. She even broke a board with a heel kick!
Last night was her "belting ceremony" where she received her yellow belt. I'll post later with real (non iPhone) photos, but I did sneak one in with my phone. As we left, she told me that she feels really accomplished doing this.
In addition, I'm thankful that she has nice girls in her class this year. They all seem so inclusive and sweet. I'm thankful that I'm able to volunteer for 1/2 hour at her class each week to read with a group (and meet all her friends). I'm thankful that she has a great teacher and principal this year. I'm thankful that she's been memorizing more scriptures through her Wednesday night class. I'm thankful she's so curious about words/ideas/sights and she's willing to ask me about them. I'm thankful that she loves hanging out with her parents! I'm thankful that she gets along (mostly) with her brother (just don't tell them I've noticed, or they might change their behavior!).
I'm just thankful.
*did you know that focusing only had one "s?" That's something that red squiggly line just taught me. The end
IC Uterine Biopsy
7 years ago
I <3 Madison
What a sweet girl you have there! I remember age 11 well:)
Beautiful! You are such an amazing mom. I love reading about your family!
What a tribute by a mommy to a sweet daughter. Hope this lasts for many more years to come, and just gets better and better.
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