Monday, July 21, 2008

Cracking myself up!

I am cracking myself up that I am doing a blog... ME! I still write like I'm in first grade sometimes! I have gotten addicted, however, to reading several blogs lately, mostly family members', and it's really helped me to stay caught up in their lives. So, I'm going to try to do the same for them! I'm not as prolific a writer as my siblings, but I can definitely take pictures, so maybe I'll photo-blog!

We are nearing the end of the summer already. Where has it gone??? School registration begins later this week! Sis is going into 3rd grade this year, and Bub is going into 2nd. Their school is K-3, so Sis is VERY excited to be the "big girl on campus" this year.

We are finishing the end of the softball/baseball season (thankfully... it's hotter than all-get-out outside!). Don has coached Bub's team this year... not sure if he'll EVER do that again! hee. So, I've gone mostly to Sis's games, since their games fall on the same night. The biggest difference I've found in beginning softball vs. baseball is that the baseball players yell out encouragement (??) to their teammates, and the softball players make up cheers for them from the bench. No kidding...

So, we'll see if this blog keeps up, or goes away into oblivion after this initial posting....


Blessed Mama said...

Yeah!!!! You can do it!!! I'll make up my own blogging cheer from my computer bench. Even if it's a photo-only blog, I would love to be able to keep up with you guys more regularly. I love it!

LissaLou said...

I'm excited too. I'm not sure JOn will be - one more thing I hae to read before I go to bed. So...that leaves me. Hmmm...not sure I have the cute children or exciting single life that anyone would want to read about like my other siblings. Maybe some day - not the single life - I was referring to the blog! :o)