Thursday, April 9, 2009

The boys are back in town

So, while the girls were here, here, and here having a GREAT time, the boys were having a good time of their own. During the time that Bub was so sick, he missed the wrestling regionals tournament... and that was the ONLY time he cried the whole time he was in the hospital, when he realized he was going to miss that!

So, Don had already thought about taking him to a nationals tournament in Iowa (where the kids didn't have to pre-qualify), so they decided to go for sure.

Here are some pictures from THEIR trip (let it be noted that I begged and begged very nicely asked to get the "good" camera for my trip, so Don reluctantly generously took the point-and-shoot camera with him).

One of Bub's coaches wrestled in the Veteran's match, and won first place in his weigh class. Here the boys are admiring his plaque.
Don and Bub (I love this picture!)

Some of the boys and their coaches
*Notice the cool hand signals in all the pictures. Yeah, I don't know what it means either!

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